We had the chance to sit down for an in-depth Interview with Butch Hildebrand – Lifelong Combative Athlete, United States Marine, and a true master of multiple streams of revenue.
Because let’s be real – ”multiple streams of revenue” is just a fancy way of saying “hustling online when you’re not really great at anything in Online Marketing.” 😉
Professional Questions
Career Beginnings and Evolution
From Marine to entrepreneur and consultant – how did your career evolve into its current path?
I tried and failed at a lot of jobs, essentially understanding that I am just not a very good employee.. The Marine Corps taught me to run fast and shoot straight, with acquired targets so I began to look for the people that move the needle within the affiliate industry.. then, I align myself with them as best as possible to learn and grow.
What inspired you to co-found Hangover Shades, and how does this venture align with your entrepreneurial vision?
Hangover Shades was a funny story, i was hungover after St. Patrick’s Day and the sun was shining through my windows.. My Daughter, the other Co-Founder threw me a pair of cheap sunglasses and said here, you need shades, try these… I sat for a minute, looked up the URL and saw it was available.. Thus, it was born… To be honest, i wanted my daughter to experience end to end ecommerce and it’s been a really amazing journey.
Coaching and Consulting
You’ve coached an impressive range of clients, from Olympic champions to CEOs. What is the key to effectively coaching individuals with such diverse backgrounds?
The key is to find a way to challenge them on things they aren’t comfortable with. CEO’s may not understand their diet and fitness, Olympians may not understand a social life. So while they are experts in their field, I try to take a wholistic approach into growth, challenge them where they need it, and demand results… To be honest, it’s quite simple, find a place where people can and need to grow, develop a plan, execute…
How do you approach coaching leaders differently than athletes or teams?
Leaders need to understand general leadership traits… sometimes titles don’t mean anything, in fact, most times.. Some of the mentally weakest people I’ve ever met have the loftiest titles and are the easiest to break. Teaching and developing leaders, even after they have the title, is one of the most rewarding things I’ve done. Their success depends on their team and their team depends on leadership growth. With teams and athletes, its more social, more of a lifelong plan and teaches them to deal with adversity and injury. What are they going to do AFTER they are done competing in the respective sport? Train them for life after, their other coaches have them right now…
Military Background Influence
How has your military background shaped your approach to leadership, both in business and consulting?
As a United States Marine Staff Non-Commissioned Officer, I received some of the best leadership training in the world. Tactful planning and execution matter in business. The ability to navigate tough times with discipline also matters… Running a business is hard, running from or returning enemy fire is harder… Business can be simplified… planned, and then executed…
What aspects of Marine training do you still draw on when making tough business decisions?
Honestly, I look at the decision as “is this life or death”… or does the business absolutely fail if I make the wrong decisions. Well thought out plans, with execution plans, then a supervisory role are crucial and these are the same things I did in the military… Being decisive, tactful, and developing a purpose that eliminates most routes of failure is probably the best attribute that I use daily…
As an entrepreneur, what was your biggest challenge in launching Hangover Shades, and how did you overcome it?
Easily the biggest challenge was working with my then 17 year old daughter as our first business venture together. While it was amazing, it was difficult to have business conversations about budget, etc with her..
What advice would you give to aspiring entrepreneurs who want to turn their ideas into a successful business?
Slow is Smooth, Smooth is Fast…. take your time, READ.. develop a plan, break it as many times as possible, almost to the point that you understand more so every single way that would result in failure, then do what seems to be your best path for success, and do it slowly. Fast money happens but usually doesn’t last… Understand that there will be ups and downs, try to detach emotionally from the project, and understand that business is business…
Marketing and Sales Expertise
With extensive experience in marketing and web advertising, what trends are you currently excited about in the digital marketing space?
The introduction and use of AI with Digital Marketing is exploding and it is so damned cool to see. There are so many marketers that are simply integrating AI into their processes and blowing up because of it. My advice, get REALLY good at prompting AI, use it as a thought locker, and enjoy the ride..
Can you share a memorable success story where your marketing or negotiation skills made a significant impact?
Negotiation is constant, always coming back to the table to discuss, and there can be no titles in negotiation…check your titles at the door. Having said that, there have been MANY times that I’ve saved companies hundreds of thousands of dollars by negotiating them away from their desired partners whom I’m sure they get a kickback from, to a more cost effective partner that does the same thing… There are very few aspects of eCommerce or business in general where there is only ONE supplier.. research and do your homework in negotiation, you will save a tremendous amount of money.. Then, if possible, write it into your contract that any money saved on the budget comes directly to you..
Public Speaking and Leadership
What do you find most rewarding about public speaking? Do you have a favorite topic or message to deliver?
Public Speaking is incredibly rewarding…IT IS SO MUCH FUN.. I get to get up and tell stories about my life and business, and hopefully impact the lives of others……The best part, without question, is once I step off the stage, and I have a line of people waiting to ask me questions, I know my message at least resonated with the crowd… Helping people make money is unbelievably rewarding..
How do you foster leadership qualities in others, especially in high-pressure environments?
Training, putting yourself in tough situations… doing hard things, and expecting pressure.. I lean on my training, really hot sauna sessions, and making sure that any high pressure situation is nothing compared to what I have already challenged myself with….
Negotiation and Problem-Solving
With your expertise in negotiation, what’s one lesson you’ve learned that applies universally, no matter the situation?
Don’t Lie…. Tell the truth, even when it hurts, and be kind in your delivery.. You can be stern and kind at the same time.
Can you share an example of a particularly tough negotiation you led and how you approached it?
I feel like I have had so many, and no negotiation is the same so they are hard to prepare for. However, doing your best to understand the desired outcome of the client is crucial.. Ultimately you want to get to the same place, creating that path, or journey is the negotiation. I approach most of them with the same idea, find the desired outcome, create the journey to get there, show them the path and vision, then execute.
Future Vision
What’s next for you and your ventures? Are there any new projects or goals you’re working toward?
I am currently working on a massive telemedicine project with a company that I have known for years… It feels amazing to tell people when they ask that I am doing my best to improve th health of others. Also, I am working to bridge the gap between the East (CIS Region) and the West through affiliate marketing working with the amazing team at LeadBit… Oh, and then working with some affiliates to become product owners….. so, yeah, I guess I’m keeping myself busy.
If you could innovate in one specific area of business or marketing, what would it be and why?
The customer journey…. I want people to be happy with their product or services received, and then buy again.. I think too many companies operate in a one and done scenario with consumers… retarget them, provide value, and do it with kindness and effective, honest marketing….
Personal Questions
Military and Life Lessons
What life lessons did you take from your time in the military that continue to guide you today?
Personally I try to live by the core values of Honor, Courage, and Commitment which are the same as the USMC… Do what you can to make the lives of those less fortunate better, and have a plan to kill everyone you meet..lol… The Marine Corps was an intense time in my life, I like to carry that same intensity into business..
How do you balance the discipline of a Marine with the creativity required for entrepreneurial ventures?
Luckily, I’ve had really good mentors and I think that is probably what has helped the most. I’ve found others who have served, and then took the path of entrepreneurship and I’ve really leaned on them.
Work-Life Balance
You’ve had such a dynamic career. How do you make time for yourself and maintain balance?
I workout every day, I never miss. A healthy body can perform so stay healthy, stay vigilant.. I know that 99.9% of my business world did not put the physical time in to improve their health on my level on any given morning, so, I wake up and win… Also, I have really good, positive people around me. Surrounding myself with performers has really helped.. When all else fails, go grab a cold draft beer, listen to good music, smile, laugh, and dance… oh and PET DOGS… it helps…
Do you have any personal rituals or habits that help you stay focused and energized?
I love to sauna, as hot as possible, and i will not leave unless i have been in there the longest, metal toughness matters… Then lift weights, literally every day… because strength also matters.. when I walk into a negotiation and understand that I am the physically strongest person there, it is a great confidence boost.
Hobbies and Interests
Outside of work, what are you passionate about? Any hobbies that help you recharge?
I love my daughters and watching them grow and succeed. I love dogs, I pet them as much as possible.. As mentioned before, I love to lift and sauna… House Music gets me through my day, and every now and again, a cold beer with friends…
Do you still keep a connection to the sports world, given your work with Olympic and world champions?
Oddly I don’t really watch sports, like almost at all.. I still have many friends that are connected or professional athletes but for me, I’d rather participate than watch.. I am probably one of the few people that does not have a “Favorite” team….
Inspirations and Challenges
Who has been the biggest influence on your life, either professionally or personally?
The biggest influence on me has been my father and some crazy Irishman named Mike Hennessy, they were my mentors growing up, and while my father has passed away, I still use lessons learned from these two daily.. They were my coaches in wrestling and football, and I wouldn’t have wanted it any other way. Also, my mom, because for years she supported my dad, and my sister and I… and she did it with class and elegance….
What has been your greatest challenge, and how did you grow from it?
I think my biggest challenge has been moving on after a 20 year marriage… My ex is an amazing woman and we had a good run, still great friends, but I feel like I let a lot of people down with ending the marriage.. Realizing that it is MY life to live, and not theirs helps… you cannot please them all but you can be kind.. . And now, I just simply understand that the chapter with her is closed, and there is still a chance to be the man I desire, in MY life.. so yeah, time to start living and loving….
Personal Philosophy
Is there a mantra or philosophy you live by that shapes how you approach life and work?
From my High School wrestling coaches, Keep your head up, and never look back……. Also.. I would be remiss if I didn’t mention one quote from Henry David Thoreau.. “Live the life you have imagined”
If you could go back and give advice to your younger self, what would you say?
Take it slow child, you have a long life ahead of you……have fun, enjoy the ride, and love deeply.
The Fun Side
If you weren’t working in business or coaching, what do you think you’d be doing instead?
I was supposed to be in the NFL but I’m slow, and short… lol… I guess probably teaching like my dad did.. or a lifetime in the USMC…. Ultimate goal is to make breakfast sandwiches on some island somewhere and feed the fisherman, with hopes that they will pay me with their fresh catch later that day… Simple life, maybe a few more kiddos, hopefully a sexy ass wife… hahahaha.
What’s something surprising or quirky about you that most people wouldn’t know?
I am a cancer survivor.. I didn’t mention it earlier, but realizing that we are going to die someday kinda puts things into perspective… Lift weights, train hard, be kind, dance often, love deeply, eat amazing food, travel, drink with locals, and oh yeah, ENJOY THE RIDE……
Blending Professional and Personal Perspectives
Marine to Mentor
How do you translate the discipline and resilience from your military experience into coaching and mentoring others in high-stakes environments?
Planning never hurts, BAMCIS.. Begin Planning, Arrange Recon, Make Recon, Complete the Plan, Issue the Order, Supervise.. Following these steps can and will create massive opportunities for growth.
Diverse Clientele
Working with such a diverse range of clients, from executives to athletes, what’s been your most rewarding client story?
This is a super difficult question… they weren’t clients but my daughters are my biggest reward.. Knowing that they are healthy and functioning in society is my greatest achievement..
Lessons from Failure
Can you share a time when something didn’t go as planned, and how you turned it into a learning opportunity?
Shit, too many times to count.. You either win, or you learn.. No single victory is perfect, and every loss is a learning opportunity. So many times I have failed, you just get up, dust yourself off, and get back in the saddle….
Passion Meets Business
What drives your passion for leadership and helping others succeed in their careers and lives?
The moment it clicks.. like the moment in a person’s journey that I have been fortunate enough to be a part of, that it just clicks.. the AHH-HA moment… Seeing that gives me incredible happiness, makes me who I am.. I’d rather others succeed than myself, I take great joy and pride in this.. I’m good living out of my car, with some workout clothes and a beach nearby, I don’t need shit, nothing crazy, I just have an unreal desire to see happiness in others…