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Bruce – the face behind Adult Site Broker

An interview with Bruce Friedman, the Adult Site Broker

Bruce is a real legend in the Adult Industry and XBiz EXEC Awards 2025 Nominee “Community Figure of the year”.

Background and Experience

Can you share your journey into the adult website brokerage industry and what inspired you to start

I entered the adult space well over 20 years ago. At that time my first projects were paysites. I realized that side of the business wasn’t for me, but I loved the industry and the people I met. So, I started Adult B2B Marketing. That led to my other projects, Adult Business Consulting, and my main company, Adult Site Broker.

What unique challenges and opportunities have you encountered in this niche market?

I don’t think there’s enough room for that in one article (he laughs).

As you well know, not everyone in adult considers themselves a businessperson. So, the lack of professionalism from some of the people I dealt with used to surprise me. It doesn’t anymore. It is what it is. Fortunately, the new generation of site owners and operators are much more professional. But the simple act of getting people to fill out an online NDA (one minute at the most), sending me their financials, or replying to an email in a timely manner seems to be difficult for many.

I’ve come to realize that I can’t do business with everybody and that’s ok. The clients I do have are fantastic.

Industry Insights

How has the adult website market evolved over the past decade?

Ten years ago, there was still a lot of bitching and moaning about tube sites. Most of that has subsided. Tubes are here to stay. And I understand site owners being upset about stolen content. We have a zero-tolerance policy on piracy. We do not work with pirate sites.

Business Operations

Bruce - Adult Site Broker Could you walk us through the process of buying or selling an adult website through your platform Adult Site Broker?

It’s best explained on our website, but I’ll give you a quick recap.

When selling a site, I ask the owner to send me their profit and loss statement from the last 3 years. Based on that and other factors (like traffic if the site isn’t monetized), I come up with a valuation that is based on what the market will bear. If the owner agrees with my assessment, we draw up a broker agreement, and I get to work. We market the listing heavily on, on our vast amount of social media, on our paid advertising channels, on our podcast, Adult Site Broker Talk, and on industry forums.

If someone wants to buy a site we’re listing, they will generally contact us and ask about it. They must fill out our NDA, and we will send the details. If the buyer likes the listing and makes an offer, either the seller accepts the offer or comes up with a counteroffer.

We also can act as a buyer’s broker as well, where we represent the buyer and find just what they’re looking for in a site.

There’s more to it than that, but that should give you a good idea.

What criteria do you consider when valuing an adult website or company?

We do not accept sites valued at 50,000 US Dollars or less. When acting as a buyer’s broker, the number is 100,000. The site must be legal with no stolen content, and the seller must verify that they own the site.

We also only list properties for which we believe there’s a market.

And we only work in the adult industry or related fields.

Client Relations

How do you ensure confidentiality and trust with your clients during transactions?

Keeping everything confidential is a must. I consider myself a professional, like a doctor or a lawyer, regarding confidentiality.

Our broker agreement has a confidentiality clause, and I stick by it. It has never been a problem.

Can you share a success story where your brokerage significantly impacted a client’s business?

There are many. The ones that I remember most are people looking to start another business and need the money from the sale. We’ve had many of those where we’ve sold their company.

Some others have sold their company in a very fast period. Sometimes it even surprises me.

Legal and Ethical Considerations

What legal challenges are unique to brokering adult websites, and how do you navigate them?

Confidentiality is a must of course, but we already talked about that.

The key to my job is to vet the seller to ensure no legal issues crop up.
And when there’s a problem, I always refer my clients to a good adult industry attorney.

How do you address ethical concerns within the adult entertainment industry?

It’s just like any other business. We’ve got the title “The Ethical Broker”. That speaks for itself. The website brokering industry isn’t usually known for its good ethics. We’ve changed that for the better.

Advice for Entrepreneurs

What common mistakes should be avoided when buying or selling an adult website?

There are many, but I’ll give you a few when selling.

Don’t let your business go down and then sell it. Keep your site updated and optimized. Nobody wants an outdated site. And along with that, keep your eye on the ball. Make sure you always keep a close watch on your numbers and make adjustments when needed.

When buying, make sure you make an offer that’s not for all you can afford. If that’s the case, you have nowhere to go if the seller counters your offer.

Podcast Origins and Purpose

What inspired you to start the Adult Site Broker Talk podcast?

I’m a former radio guy from way back and missed being on the air. Plus, it’s an excellent promotional vehicle. And it’s a way to give back to the industry. We do a lot of segments related to advocacy.

What were your initial goals for the podcast, and have they evolved over time?

Pretty much what I just said. And it’s all been realized. We just dropped our 230th episode.

Who is your target audience, and what unique value do you hope listeners gain from each episode?

Adult industry professionals and those who are interested in getting into the industry.

My goal is to inform people in our industry about what’s going on and what unique value certain companies offer.

Content and Guest Selection

How do you choose topics and guests for the podcast?

We try to vary our guest. Some are company owners with a unique offering. Some are creators. Some are OG’s in the industry.

Are there any particular themes or individuals you prioritize?

Definitely adult industry advocacy. We do a lot on free speech issues and political and religious attacks.

What are some of the most memorable or impactful interviews you’ve conducted so far? Why did they stand out?

I would say the ones I’ve done with FSC and OG’s like Brad Mitchell. We recently interviewed Solomon Friedman of Aylo. That will run next year. It took me 2 years to get him on (he laughs).

Podcast and Industry Impact

What impact do you think the podcast has on the adult industry as a whole?

I think it’s a positive one. The entire idea is to give back to the industry and I think we do that with every episode.

How has hosting this podcast influenced your role at

It’s a lot of work. But well worth it.

Do you find new clients or partners through the show?


Challenges and Experiences

Are there any controversial topics or sensitive issues that have been difficult to cover on the show?

We interviewed one of Ron Jeremy’s victims. That was tough.

How do you handle those?

With sensitivity.

What skills have you developed as a podcast host that differ from those you use in website brokerage?

I think I already had those skills from interviewing professional athletes. It’s all about being able to listen.

Future Plans

Are there any dream guests you would love to have on the podcast?

Solomon Friedman was one. Steven from Grooby would be nice, but he keeps saying no (he laughs).

Personal Reflections on Podcasting

What do you personally enjoy most about hosting the podcast?

As you well know, I love to talk (he laughs). But seriously, I’m naturally curious. I love to ask questions. So it’s a lot of fun.

Do you have any favorite episodes or moments that you revisit?

There are so many that I wouldn’t want to leave anyone out. Cherie DeVille on my 200th episode was a lot of fun. She’s a blast!

Personal Perspective

What motivates you to continue working in this industry?

100% the people. There isn’t another group like them in the world.

How do you balance the professional and personal aspects of operating within the adult entertainment sector?

It’s not a problem. I’ve been doing it so long.

In a world without the internet, what job would you love to do?

I’d probably go back into sports announcing.

Thank you, Bruce, it is always a pleasure to talk to you and meet you in real life!


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